I would like to thank the committee for giving me the opportunity to judge this prestige show.
Last time I judged this breed I noticed a distinct lack of muscling in the breed I am please to say that in most dogs today this has improved. However, I have noted there is a wide variation in the size and type of the dogs with not actually many meeting the hights stated with in the standard. Also, of note there are very few dogs that have the black nails as stated in standard, and a few nails need trimming. I just feel that there is a range of types within the breed, breeders need to carefully plan their mating’s to try to conserve the type and integrity of the breed before the true essence of the breed is lost. That said there were some lovely dogs here today.
Minor Puppy Dog.
1st: McArdell’s LYCKALOTTE GIANLUCA AT PHENDELLE: This 6month 2-day male puppy is square and well balanced and has correct size for his age. Overall good black pigmentation with correct scissor bite. Has a good head that is well proportioned with correct set ears. Coat of good correct texture for a puppy, well set tail which is correctly carried. Moved well out and back, just needs time to mature and settle, a very promising youngster.
Puppy Dog
1st, BDP, BPIS: Whateley’s LYCKALOTTE ENZO FERRARI AT ARKADIAN: Another nice puppy with good dark pigmentation. Head is correctly proportioned with well set ears. Balanced in profile with well laid-back shoulders and a correct level top line leading to a well set tail with evidence of correct fronding starting to grow. Moved well and this was what won him the best Puppy.
Junior Dog
Novice dog No entries
Post Grad Dog: 3 (1)
1st Walker’s STUART LITTLE PRICE GEORGES’ OF THE BLACK ORCHID: Lovely balanced male, square in outline and up to size. Has a good proportioned masculine head with no coarseness, with a round and dark eye. Flat skull leading to correct length neck and well laid-back shoulders and level top line. Correct set tail which is well fronded and carried well on the move. Hind is well muscled which shows when he moves as movement is correct and typical for the breed. Pleased to award him BD and RBIS.
2nd: Tower’s OCICO DO LUSIADAS WITH ENJANICKA (IMP ITA): Another square, with well proportioned head with a round dark eye and correct scissor bite and accentuated stop. Correct top line and tail set with correct flocked coat, could just do with a little more. Not as settled on the move as one but moved better when pace was slowed down.
Limit Dog 1
1st Whateley’s ARKADIAN MARCUS MAXIMUS: Good sized male, with correct proportions to head, nice dark round eye, ears are well set and has good pigmentation. Coat correctly flocked, is square in outline with good top line which was carried well on the move.
Open Dog 3
1st & RBD: Thomas’s BELSTOWN HARRY THE POTTER: A square nice size male. Correctly pigmented with correct scissor bite, round dark eye, muzzle well proportioned to correct flat skull. Neck of correct length with well laid shoulders, top line correct and held well on the move. Tail correctly set and well fronded.
2nd: Walker’s AEMILIAS ROBERTO: Square dog with good pigmentation and correct bite, dark round eye, head well proportioned with correctly set ears. Nicely flocked coat, correct top line with well set tail. He moves well when he puts his mind to it but not as settled on the move as 1.
Veteran dog 1
1st Hough’s DONOCIELI ALESSANDRO AT STROPHAIR: Almost 8-year male square in outline, has correct scissor bite and good pigmentation. Good, proportioned head with dark round eye. Good neck and top line. Enjoyed his time in the ring today.
Minor Puppy Bitch 0
Puppy Bitch 0
Junior Bitch 1
1St Hopkins LYCKALOTTE ELEGANTE ATHENA: Nice young female with correct scissor bite, good proportions to muzzle and head round, dark eyes and well set ears leading to neck of correct length. Coat has correct flocking, just slightly longer in body.
Novice Bitch 0
Post Graduate Bitch 4 (1)
1ST & RBB: McArdell’s PHENDELLE EIDA AVRIL MAY: Please to also award this bitch RBB. She has a nice square outline, with correct scissor bite a full pigmentation including black nails. Her head has correct proportions with correct flat skull leading to a good level top line which she holds well on the move. Well set tail with good fronding coat is also correctly flocked and she moved well.
2nd Towers ENJANICKA EVENING EMERALD: A square bitch but not up to the size of 1. Has good proportions to head with correct neck and top line. Good tail set with correct fronding. She moves well with typical movement.
Limit Bitch 3 (1)
1ST Towers ENJANICKA TOSCANA TI ADORO: A nice square bitch with correct coat and good pigmentation. Correct head with correct scissor bite and correct ear set. Nice top line with good tail set. Moves out and back well.
2nd Whateley’s ARKADIAN BELOVED DIANA; Considering her very unexpected trip into the ring, she did not let it phase her at all. Square bitch with good top line and well-set tail. Has a correct scissor bite with correct head proportions and a round dark eye. Moved well but slightly lacking in coat.
Open Bitch 5 (3)
1st & BB AND BIS, Golden’s KAYLO VAN HET BALGZAND: This lady caught my eye as she entered the ring. A bitch oozing correct type and substance, square in outline presenting a beautiful silhouette. Head correctly proportioned with correct scissor bite, round dark eye with correct pigmentation. She has a lovely expression. Ears well set, correct flat skull, medium length neck leading to desired top line. Well sprung ribs, tail correctly set with ideal fronding. Coat of correct length and texture and correct flocking. She moves well with typical breed movement. Pleased to award her BB and BIS.
2nd Towers ENJANICKA TOSCANA MIO CARO: Slightly smaller than one, nice square bitch well proportioned head with nice facial expression. Correct set ears and a good top line, correctly set tail which was well fronded. Moved well out and back with typical movement.
Veteran Bitch 2 (1)
1st & BVB AND BVIS Towers TUMBRIL TENNESSEE HONEY WITH ENJANICKA: A lovely up to size lady who was clearly enjoying herself today. She presents a lovely square outline, good pigmentation and a well proportioned hear with correct set on ears. This leads to a good top line; coat is well flocked and of correct texture. She has a good muscle tone for a veteran, and this showed as she powered around the ring never placing a foot wrong. Please to award her BVIS.