Dear member/s
Please take this as notice of the British Bolognese Club’s 2023 Annual General Meeting to be held on Saturday 25 March 2023 at Stafford County Showground.
Once I have confirmation from UK Toydog commitee of an available area to be used (and time) for the AGM I will advise you in due course.
Members attending must be fully paid up members in advance of the 25 March 2023.
Any items for the agenda should be received in writing, with a proposer and a seconder, and received by the Secretary no later than Saturday 25 February 2023 by e-mail or hard copy to Copleigh Lodge, Copleigh Drive, Kingswood KT20 6BJ. Please note that items for the agenda need to be presented on the day of the AGM by either the proposer or seconder.  If neither are in attendance the item will be deleted from the business of the day. 

Any names for committee places should be sent, and received by the Secretary, no later than Saturday 25 February 2023, with details of the proposer and seconder and permission in writing of the nominee to (e-mail) or hard copy to Copleigh Lodge, Copleigh Drive, Kingswood KT20 6BJ.  If there are more names than places available, a ballot will be sent out in advance of the 25 March 2023. Nominees  and proposer/seconders must all be fully paid up members of 12 months standing.
Those due to retire at this AGM are Mark Burns and Adele Summers with both eligible for re-election without nomination.
Kind regards
Adele Summers
Honorary Secretary
British Bolognese Club